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Professional chemistry ECOSEPT ™ for construction and repair from the manufacturer

Vinnytsia region, town of Kalinovka,   ul. Kotsyubynsky, 73-B.

Bleach for wood ECOSEPT 500, 30 kg.

Отбеливатель для древесины ECOSEPT 500
Висновок ДСЕЕ
Висновок ДСЕЕ
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  • В любую точку Украины
  • Тариф перевозчика По Киеву Бесплатно
  • Самовывоз со склада Бесплатно
  • To anywhere in Ukraine
  • Carrier tariff in Kiev Free
  • Pickup from a warehouse Free1
  • В любую точку Украины
  • Тариф перевозчика По Киеву Бесплатно
  • Самовывоз со склада Бесплатно2

Wood Bleach

Ecosept 500 Wood Bleach is a concentrated bleaching agent that effectively removes wood-staining fungi, mold, and gray discoloration. It restores the natural color of wood while preserving its natural properties and structure.


  • Restores the natural color of wood
  • Visible results in 10 minutes
  • Effectively removes wood-staining fungi
  • Removes gray discoloration

APPLICATION AREAS OF ECOSEPT 500: The product is used for treating planed and sawn wooden surfaces indoors and outdoors.

PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION: Ecosept 500 Wood Bleach is a highly effective composition based on chlorine-containing compounds. Active chlorine ions penetrate deep into the wood surface and effectively decolorize wood-staining fungi and gray discoloration to a depth of up to 3 mm, without damaging the wood surface. The main feature of Ecosept 500 Wood Bleach is its high speed of action (reaction) and rapid decomposition. Discoloration occurs within 20-30 minutes. Complete decomposition of the product occurs within 12 hours at a temperature of 20°C. At low temperatures, the decomposition rate decreases proportionally to the decrease in air temperature. After this time, the wood can be mechanically processed, glued, and painted with any compounds.

SURFACE PREPARATION: Before applying the Wood Bleach, the surface must be cleaned of any old paint and varnish coatings, dust, dirt, bark, and shavings. It is recommended to de-resinous coniferous wood and perform a test application of the compound on a small area of wood.

PREPARATION OF THE WORKING SOLUTION: Ecosept 500 Wood Bleach is a concentrate. Depending on the wood species, duration, depth of damage, and ambient temperature, the wood bleach can be used:

  • By diluting 1:1 (50% aqueous solution)
  • As a concentrate.


METHOD OF APPLICATION: Treat the wood by applying the Wood Bleach with a brush or roller with synthetic bristles. Discoloration of the pigment staining occurs within 20 minutes to several hours, depending on the depth of damage, the nature of the wood, and the ambient temperature. In cases where the penetration depth of wood-staining fungi is more than 3 mm or temperatures are below 10°C, a second treatment may be necessary. In rare cases, after treatment with the product, usually at low temperatures, the dried wood surface may contain a small amount of crystalline salt, which can be easily removed with a damp cloth. In order to prevent the recurrence of wood infection, after the bleaching procedure, it is recommended to treat the wood with Ecosept 400, Ecosept 440, or Ecosept 46 Bio antiseptic compounds, depending on the purpose of the material.

PRECAUTIONS: When working, use personal protective equipment: goggles, rubber gloves, respirator, and protective clothing. If the wood bleach gets on the skin or mucous membranes, rinse with plenty of water. Consult a doctor if necessary.

STORAGE AND TRANSPORTATION: Attention! Do not throw, tilt, or shake. There is a technological hole in the cap. Transport separately from food products. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a tightly closed factory container in a cool place. Use the opened product within 10 days. Avoid direct sunlight and heating. Shelf life is 6 months. When the product is cooled to -10°C and below, precipitation may occur, which dissolves when the temperature rises. Fire and explosion safe. Retains its properties after 5 freeze-thaw cycles. Disposal according to DSANPIN

COMPOSITION: Aqueous solution of a chlorine-containing compound, stabilizer, catalysts.

Key Points

  • Purpose: Bleaches and disinfects wood.
  • Active Ingredient: Chlorine-based compounds.
  • Benefits: Fast acting, effective, preserves wood's natural properties.
  • Applications: Indoor and outdoor wooden surfaces.
  • Precautions: Wear protective gear, avoid contact with skin and eyes.
  • Storage: Store in a cool, dry place.
150 ml/m2
30 liters
Precautionary measures: 
Use personal protective equipment. In case of contact with eyes or skin, wash with plenty of water. If necessary, consult a doctor. In closed rooms it is recommended to provide ventilation and, if possible, maximum juice
Reviews (1)
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18 March 2019
Review text: 
Максимальный эффект отбеливания древесины можно достигнуть предварительной подготовкой пораженной поверхности деревянных конструкций. Очень хорошо зарекомендовал способ предварительной обработки поврежденной древесины паром или горячей водой. Данная процедура позволяет "раскрыть" поры древесины и, тем самым, позволяет проникнуть действующему веществу препарата ECOSEPT 500 на максимальную глубину и достичь максимального результата отбеливания.